After Effects Out Of Memory
You receive the following warning in After Effects:
After Effects Out Of Memory Error
Jan 28, 2012 After Effects CS4 keeps crapping out on me, and won't allow me to render my projects. I keep getting the message, 'After Effects Error: Keylight out of memory (4)' I'm running a brand new IMac 3.4 GHz Intel Core I7 (which I understand gives me virtually 8 cores), and I have 8 GB of Ram. You can try adjusting the Media & Disk Cache settings in your preferences (Edit Preferences Memory.) Here is a link from the Adobe website that explains the nitty gritty details: Memory and storage in After Effects.
'After Effects error: Ray-traced 3D: Out of paged mapped memory for ray tracer. Your project may exceed card limits. Try closing other applications. Try updating the CUDA driver.'
Download drive genius. This error is related to CUDA drivers installed on a computer that doesn't have CUDA (that is, NVIDIA) hardware. If you have installed CUDA drivers for ATI/AMD hardware, remove CUDA components to prevent related crashes and errors.
If you have an ATI/AMD GPU, do not install CUDA driver software. Kext helper for mac. If you have done so, remove the CUDA driver software manually.
After Effects Out Of Memory Error
- The CUDA files are in these locations:
- /System/Library/Extensions/CUDA.kext
- /Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework
- /Library/LaunchAgents/com.nvidia.CUDASoftwareUpdate.plist
- /Library/PreferencePanes/CUDA/Preferences.prefPane
- /System/Library/StartupItems/CUDA/
- /usr/local/cuda