Boxee 1.5.0

Boxee Boxee 完全なメディア センターはあなたのエンターテイメントに最適です。ダウンロード Boxee ハード ドライブからコンテンツを楽しんだり、オンライン サービス上でホストする無料の. Boxee Box users who enjoy staying on the bleeding edge of features and functions can now download and install beta v1.5 firmware on their devices, by following a fairly straightforward procedure. Version implements quite a few new features and enhancements to the Boxee Box’s user interface. It also adds support for the soon-to-be-available Boxee. Following a recent Boxee Box firmware update, we wondered how one could obtain an earlier firmware release in the event an upgrade caused problems. Finding nothing on Boxee’s website, we emailed our question to Boxee. It turns out there is no official Boxee firmware repository because “this would cause a lot of confusion for both.

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The Boxee team have just released the v1.5.0.23615 beta firmware as the offical release to the masses. If you have not had a chance to check out the betas of 1.5.0 then you will be in for a far few big changes to the way you use your Boxee Box, below are the release notes for this version:

New Features / Enhancements

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– Live TV (Requires a Boxee Live TV dongle)
* View Live TV channels with antenna or QAM via Boxee
* Unique Social Channel Listings with metadata
* See social recommendations in the channel listing based on what your Facebook friends are watching and have watched
* Share shows and currently viewed channels via Boxee and Facebook

– Social Account Pairing with Boxee user on device
* Create a new Boxee account using Facebook connect
* Pair Boxee with Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter on device to view videos from those services in the Friends section, and to easily share content

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– Interface
* UI look and feel update
* UI Improvements to:
Main Menu
Home Screen
Browse Screens (Movies, TV Shows) – including new filtering options
Season selection for TV shows
Watch Later including filtering by content source
Indication for which movies and shows have been watched
Action/Info Menu
OSD and OSD settings
Enhanced login flow

– Library and Play action
* Rotten Tomatoes rating integration for movies
* Launch trailers from the Media action screen

– Networking & File Playback
* Support simultaneous digital bitstream + stereo over analog

– Browser
* Added Popup management
* Support for HTML5 Local Storage in Boxee Browser

– Settings
* Toggle the Netflix Button on the remote to “Launch the Netflix application” or “Play /Pause “ from the Settings > General > Advanced options screen.
* Weather – full integration with Accuweather
* Added setting to disable full network scan of SMB sources.

Bug fixes

– Networking & File Playback
* No audio when switching between audio streams and video goes in fast forwarding
* “Loading Error” when browse into uPnP from the file/network menu when wireless
* Fail to mount password protected SMB file sources when the Settings client has same user name but a different password
* Fail to play SMB password protected videos from boxee Application python even when the SMB credentials are in Settings
* Seeking not working on WMV
* Boxee’s continuous scanning turns on Xerox Printers, Prevents Win7 64 from sleeping, keeps NAS from sleeping
* SMB scanning and network discovery should not be running when in playback
* Long delay when exiting a video in the file menu
* Rewinding to the beginning causes the video to rapidly skip to where the video was before the rewinding
* PGS subtitles timing is broken (AVCHD/.m2ts container)
* Some 720p XviD avi plays choppy & stuttering
* Navigation sounds overly loud after playing local video (720p mkv / ac3 audio)
* Mono audio is output only to the left channel

– Apps
* Custom repository is not loaded if there is no trailing line end at the end of the file repository.xml
* AccuWeather app finds my location but cannot download data

– Libraries
* Improve long lists in movies/tv
* Compilation albums not handled correctly, Boxee doesn’t use Album Artist tag

– Browser
* Boxee Box Browser : Popup management
* Support for HTML5 Local Storage in Boxee Browser
* Enhance drop down menu support
* Some HTML5 apps are now loading with browser scrollbars when there should be none
* Fail to load flash based website

– Interface
* The weather icon just shows as the degree symbol in the dropdown menu and doesn’t display a temperature.
* Last subtitles name remains when going to video OSD > Settings > Subtitles
* Boxee hangs when scrolling through movie library

– Misc.
* Watchlater is not adding any videos to watchlater list
* Broken infolabels – MusicPlayer.Duration and Player.ProgressCache
* Multiple problems with .PushState()

Known issues

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– Cannot browse for subtitles – local subtitles int eh same video directory work fine

** NB – The issues with 3TB hard drives, HD Audio dropouts, and Flash have not been addressed in this version. They require a complete overhaul of our Intel SDK and are planned for the coming months.

Boxee 1.5.0

You can find more info on the release in the forums here

Feb 10, 2011Boxee 1.5.0

I am trying desperatly to install boxee onto my pc Boxee - Watch Movies, TV Shows and clips from the Internet on your TV.without success.I have downloaded the source code from the site and have ran
The ./configure last few lines =
checking for boost/shared_ptr.hpp... yes
checking for main in -lGL... no
configure: error: Could not find a required library. Please see the README for your platform.
I'm not sure what this lGL is referring to. The readme states that I need the below to run the configure, though that doesn't say lGL either?
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50), quilt, python-support, cmake,
autotools-dev, autoconf, automake, unzip, libboost-dev,
libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev, libglu-dev, libglew-dev, libmad0-dev, libjpeg-dev,
libsamplerate-dev, libogg-dev, libvorbis-dev, libfreetype6-dev,
libfontconfig-dev, libbz2-dev, libfribidi-dev, libsqlite3-dev,