Mysql Min

Aug 22, 2017 2 min read. Lets try to build a RESTful API to do GET operation on a MySQL database. A lot of developers wants to map REST to CRUD directly, because REST over HTTP provides GET PUT. SQL MIN and MAX with Alias. Alias in SQL is used to change the display name of a table or column. This feature is very helpful for increasing readability for the users. This is achieved using the AS keyword. Note: These Aliases are temporary names given for user’s convenience.

Introduction to MySQL MIN Function

Nov 17, 2016 4 min read. Note: By default Spring Boot will create the database structure if you have provided in the right way your MySQL credentials in the file. Option 2: Manage partitions automatically using Crontab. Crontab is a good alternative if you are unable to use the MySQL event scheduler. Open crontab file with the command “sudo crontab -e” and add a job for partitioning Zabbix MySQL database (every day at 03:30 AM) by adding this line anywhere in the file.

This MySQL tutorial explains how to use the MIN function with syntax and examples. The MySQL MIN function returns the minimum value in a set of values.

MIN() Syntax

To understand MIN function, consider an “books” table, which is having the following records:

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The following MySQL statement finds the price of the most cheapest book:

The following MySQL statement finds the price of the most cheapest book in each author, sorted low to high:

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The MySQLMIN() function is an aggregate function that returns the minimum value from an expression.

Typically, the expression would be a range of values returned as separate rows in a column, and you can use this function to find the minimum value from the returned rows. If there are no matching rows, MIN() returns NULL.

Sql Where Min

For example, you can use this function to find out which city has the smallest population out of a list of cities.


The syntax of MIN() goes like this:

Where expr is the expression for which you want the minimum value.

The over_clause is an optional clause that works with window functions. Note that the over_clause can only be used if you don’t use the DISTINCT keyword.

The (optional) DISTINCT keyword can be used to eliminate duplicate values.

Basic Example

First, here’s the raw data that we’ll use in this example:


We can use the MIN() function to find the city with the smallest population (i.e. the row with the smallest value in its population column).


The GROUP BY Clause

We can use the GROUP BY clause to list out each district, along with the population of that district’s smallest city (by population):

Mysql minimum value query php

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The ORDER BY Clause

Mysql Min Max

We can also use the ORDER BY clause to specify a column with which to order by:


This orders the results in ascending order, which lists the minimum value first.

Note that, when ordering by a multi-word alias (like `Minimum Value`), you need to use the backtick character (`) instead of the apostrophe (') to surround the two words.

Mysql Min Function

Mysql mingw

Find the Minimum Character Length

The MIN() function isn’t limited to just columns with numerical data. You can also combine MIN() with other functions to return minimum values in other areas.

For example, using our sample data, we can find the value with the minimum number of characters in the City column:


We can also see this by using the following query (which doesn’t involve the MIN() function):


Seeing as multiple cities have the same character length, we can adjust this query to return only the distinct values:


Using an OVER Clause

As mentioned, the syntax allows for an OVER clause to be included in your queries. Basically, the OVER clause allows you to specify how to partition query rows into groups for processing by the window function.

Here’s an example:


Mysql Minus

This example partitions the rows by District, providing the minimum value for each partition (district). This allows you to see more granular data, such as each city’s population, along with the population of the smallest city (by population) in the same district.